Tenders for Industry and Trade

Due to the current EU guidelines, all public authorities and gouvernment institutions are bound by law to invite all tenders publicly and European wide that exceed the so-called threshold values. Besides, we also have tenders from outside of the EU, below the threshold values and from private companies.

These public orders of the European authorities are therefore freely accessible to all enterprises inside Europe. On weekdays, from Tuesday to Friday except on Luxembourgian holidays, calls for tenders, preinformations and placed orders are being published.

In the EU, the main customers for industry and commerce are the gouvernmental and local gouvernment authorities. Approximately 600,000 calls for tenders regarding goods and services are being published from the 27 EU-countries (Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Sweden, Spain, Czech Republic, Cypris, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia.), from GATT-countries (Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein), from outside of the EU and from private companies only by the European bidding authority 'EUR-OP'. In addition, we have also national tenders from Germany below the EU thresholds!
These calls for tenders are completely available in our data base being up-to-date!
This is why every year delivery, service and construction orders to the amount of approximately 1 Trillion Euros are being called for tenders only by the public authorities inside the EU (see search criteria).

Many of these orders are coming from your business segment, too!

By using the informations concerning the calls for tenders you have received from Euro-Tender, you will be able to extend your business activities inside those countries where you are already doing business, and to expand your activities into other countries.

The interest on public calls for tenders of other member countries is increasing permanently since the opening of the EU borders. This goes to prove that there is a stronger competition among these countries. Punctual and extensive informations about public calls for tenders on the domestic market are becoming more and more important.



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